
Stone Fruit

Come visit my

thesis exhibition.

Stone Fruit is an exploration of the performative femininity intrinsic to my experience with chronic illness and it’s impact on my relationship with myself and others. Large-scale alternative process photographic prints of my own MRIs and self-portraiture are displayed alongside contact prints of vintage garments, lingerie, and flower petals; blood vessels, reproductive organs, and tissue become akin to the folds of fabric, pencil-lines of plant matter, and the boning of a corset.

Thematic elements of each image are staged in a papier-mâché tableau, referencing classic vanitas still life paintings. From the picked-clean pelvic bone, to a floral arrangement teeming with bugs, each paper sculpture is an uncanny facsimile of a real-life object. This is a false and flat, but appealing, reflection of the reality of inhabiting an inherently unreliable body. From afar, the illusion of normalcy is present.

Take a closer look, however, and there is something lurking under the surface, a poisonous pit hidden in the flesh. 

Images to follow.